About HydstraWeb
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This facility enables you to directly access water data provided by
County of Orange.
- You have access to data as plots and tables, as well as other media (which may include photo images, text documents, sound files or movies).
- Navigation is provided via the menu trees in the left pane and various links on the pages in the right pane.
- If you wish to customise your experience you may set the size of plot images, font and frames via the customise link at the top of the left pane.
- Hide the header and footer using the hide/display header & footer link at the top right of this page; click again to restore them.
- Click F11 to hide/restore the browser header.
- For each menu category in the left pane you may manage a collection of favourite sites and search for sites.
- After a period of 2 hours of inactivity your session will expire and you will be prompted to restart the application.
You may also manually restart the application using the the restart link at the top right of this page.
- This facility also provides data via a web service
If you are having problems with the website, you may wish to start a debugging log and send the results to the administrator of this site.
Start debug logging
Stop debug logging
Generate a browser diagnostics report
Contact the administrator
Get server cpu load