Web Service

This facility enables you to directly retrieve County of Orange data using Web Service requests.
Through the implementation of custom code to initiate a data request and process the data response you have direct access to the data you may require for data modelling, data reports or new web based data presentation.

The Hydstra Perl web service URL is http://hydstra.ocpublicworks.com/cgi/webservice.pl?[JSON_request]{"function":"get_db_info","version":"3","params":{"table_name":"site","return_type":"hash","filter_values":{"station":"ALISO_JERONIMO"}}}
The related WSDL (Web Services Description Language) file URL is http://hydstra.ocpublicworks.com/wini/webservice.wsdl

Please consult the Hydstra Help documentation for Web Services or contact the software supplier KISTERS Pty Ltd if you require assistance with web services scripting.

KISTERS provide some documentation at http://kisters.com.au/webservices.html